A Taste of Summer

We just busted out blueberries and peaches that we had preserved in the summer! January 20, eating fruit we picked in August and June! We froze peeled, pitted and halved peaches in sugar water, and used containers that had been for the 50 quarts of apple sauce we made a previous year. We didn't wash or pick the sticks out of the blueberries though, and just froze them on trays, later to be thrown in whatever tupperware we had left. Make sure to rinse them first. It's such a bother to do it later! But the rest is a fabulous idea. The peaches were kind of mushy from being frozen in water for so long, so they are better to be baked in cobblers and things. But when you defrost the blueberries, they are like you just picked them! I just mixed both together and provided bowls and spoons for anyone, which was fine, because of the abundance of babies that were over. IT WAS AMAZING!!! I was practically addicted to it, and would have ate the whole thing on the spot if it wasn't ...