Dog Care

Dog Care Have you ever wondered what it would take to to have a dog? Well, dogs do take some work but they are fun to take care of. Most dogs want their owner to be happy with them so it is totally easy to train them because they want to do what you want. So here are the basics of dog care for those who are curious. Before buying or dog sitting a dog you must consider the maintenance it will need. Most everyday needs are easy like feeding, brushing and walking. However, as soon as you see those fancy dog feeders were you only refill like once a week and you can’t get it for some reason or the little mutt gets terrible mats and it takes fully ten minutes everyday to get them out, then you get a whole week of bad weather that you walk you dog in and smells like dead fish then it gets hard! These fleabags involve monthly necessities too. Some of them are bathing, teeth brushing and meads. Thankfully washing a dirty pup is easy, just get your dog (and you!) w...