How to Wrap a Beautiful Bun!

Most people know how to do this already but if you need a how to here it is!:
1. brush your hair thoroughly so that there is NO tangles
2. flip your whole head over and brush again
3. smooth your hair into a rubber band with a soft brush
4. brush your ponytail
5. twist all your hair around the ponytail and then pin.
6. if needed use another rubber band.
7. hair spray the whole thing
I should look like this:

It takes some practice to get it how you want but I learned by doing it very often. The bun will smooth out after a few minutes so don't get all annoyed when its not perfect instantly!


  1. I had no gel in that pic so I used baby oil!

  2. That looks super! Way to improvise!xoxox

  3. i'm trying this on my bun right now, it works great!
    - uncle mikey

  4. mike do you have long hair again or are you doing it on brittany?


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