The Kimball's Difficulty

There once and still is a family named Kimballs. They, at the time were living in a castle. There was Sir Thomas and Lady Evangeline and their children: Gabriel who was 14 and just became a squire, Abigail who was 12 and learning to be a lady, Corina at age 10 and much more ladylike than Abigail, and the last one was baby Leviticus who was 2. This wonderful family had a problem though, every day they woke up to something missing. They did not know what to think of this especially because the object that was missing was usually food. So one day Gabriel asked his dad: “ Father, because I am learning to become a knight may I stay up all night to watch for this thief?” and father said: “ Yes, I am proud of you to be so brave.” So Gabriel sat down by the door to wait. He was so tired though because he had tasted some of his Fathers strong liquor that day and fell asleep. When he woke up he ran to his Father and said “ I fell asleep!”. Since he fell asleep, Abigail thought she would give it a try. She made a trap that jingled when the door opened and whacked the thief right in the face. That night she heard a whole bunch of jingling and a WHACK! She ran downstairs to see only the dog sniffing around. “MOTHER!”” My trap didn’t work!” Corina thought maybe if she put food outside the door the thief would take that instead. But when she checked that morning all she saw was some rats nibbling at the last crumbs that they had carried away that night! That day Father held a family meeting. He looked down at his dreary sad family and said: “ We have been having so many failures with this thief I think we all need a cheer up. I will take everyone to the beach and can go to at Wackenhut's Happy Shack to eat!” YAY!!!!!!!!! everybody cheered, “let’s go”! They had tons of fun and no big occurrences except that Leviticus almost drowned if Gabriel hadn’t saved him and that Corina almost swallowed a peacock choke bone if Lady Evangeline hadn’t known the heimlich maneuver. But, when they got home the kitchen was in shambles! They asked the guards about it but they knew nothing. They cleaned up the kitchen and then dropped exhausted in bed. The only one that wasn’t tired was Leviticus. He couldn't go to sleep so he decided to climb out of bed and make some trouble. He walked around climbing on things and drinking wine that the grownups had left out and you know things that toddlers do. But when he got to the kitchen her ran right back into the lord and ladies room and said:  “mama dada doggy’s in the lawdaw (larder)!” He woke everyone up and they all ran to the kitchen in their nightgowns or underwear and said: “the thief is Mico (the dog)!” “I thought she was looking fat!” said Abigail. Mother answered: “You shush!” “ That’s not ladylike!”

Special regards to:
Levi kimball who made up most of the names.
Holly kimball who gave this to me as a school assignment.
Chad kimball who printed and found the cover.
My sibs who loved the story.

Dedicated to:

The Kimballs


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