Yucca's Not Yucky

Most people know yucca to be that expansive, unmovable, bombarding spike plant in your yard that looks like it could poke your guts out. I personally think I've experienced pulling its roots out. I was helping a lady remove crabgrass from her front yard, and we encountered this nasty, gushy deformed root plop in the middle of everything. As we dug it up we found more and more and also that it had no reliable form. We would just randomly find more of it and it was so sickeningly disgusting that we didn't want to just leave it there. I noted that the only place in the whole yard that had crabgrass, was in an oval around the root spot. It made sense the a plant like yucca could have looked right in that particular spot. People say it's really hard to completely remove one of those things, so I suspect whoever owned the house previously pulled it up and planted grass around the spot it had shaded. Not knowing there were still some roots down there, left it. We later dis...