Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

Yum! These tasty treats are chewy and crunchy at the same time; and even better, coated with the delectable... powdered sugar! I'm really starting to like making cookies now that the atmosphere of our house isn't steaming with heat! This is an old recipe, and most of the time that means the best. I actually followed the recipe, except that I doubled it.

 This time I don't have a commentary on all the little details of how I made this, because I was trying to whip it up in 20 minutes for an event we were going to. They were one of the most popular cookies next to the white chocolate cranberry macadamia nut cookies someone brought. I didn't even get to taste them they were gone so fast. But only because there was such a little amount (I know, I know, I'm being boastful :-) I brought 8 dozen of mine. One girl ate like half a dozen herself!

The recipe was conveniently stored in one of Betty Crocker's old cookbooks that used to be in binder form. That way when I scanned it, no gray shadows appeared to uglify the side of the page by the bind. Such an annoyance.

Ignore the spots and stains and realize that the actual page smells like powdered sugar and has been handled by many loving hand making yummy sweets for their family.


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