5 Foods to Get You Un-Constipated NATURALLY

Let me just warn ya'll ahead a time, this is a pretty disgusting topic. If poop just grosses or embarrasses you out too much, don't read this, because there will be major excrement TMI going on here! One more thing, I'll be doing my best to use synonyms of our waste method, as to not constantly be giving you an image of the poop emoji.
If you have an issue of being constipated, and want to relieve it naturally, you're going to have to change your whole way of eating and drinking. It's not just like take these certain supplements and BOOM it's gone! It's way worth it though, because this can change more things than just pooping. Your whole digestive tract will thank you! The chance of getting colon cancer or diabetes will go way down, along with reducing stomach pain, bloating, obesity, and many other ailments that go along eating the wrong things.
Here's the science of it in a nutshell: you need a good ratio of water and fiber. The rough fiber cleans your tubes by scraping access food and gunk off. It also enhances the movements and contractions, which is top-notch for those who get constipated. You want that food to move along and get itself digested so you can poop it easier. The water washes your food down and keeps your stools from being hard as rock. If you have too much water and not enough fiber, you'll get diarrhea because the waste needs to be scraped off the sides of the colon to leave.
Making sure of that ratio will make a HUGE difference in your health. You'll notice that the fiber-rich foods are ones already deemed "healthy, so that will also help. Anybody who drinks lots of water automatically boosts their well-being. But what are all these foods? That's what I'll help you with.
1. Fruits & Veggies
- Dried prunes: Every day, I eat these with my supplements and a cup of water. You'd be surprised what a difference 5 a day make!
- Berries: Since they have lots of skin and seeds, these rough parts of the berry do a great job scrubbing your tubes!
- Apples: Also a scrubby fruit, so this does the same as berries.
- Avocado: You eat one cup, a whopping 10.5 grams of fiber enter your immune system. Consume many of these, they have many other benefits for your well-being.
- Celery: I hate celery, it smell gross, tastes gross, and makes me gag. But, it has lots of fiber. The one and only good thing about celery. (I bet there's more but I hate it so why would I care???)
- Artichokes: Ya'll, this is random, but it is one of the veggies highest in fiber! It has 10 grams, and in case you are wondering what this all means, let me just tell you that most women need around 20. Men need more like 30 a day. So, getting half your fiber for an entire 24 hour day in one fruit or vegetable just plain rocks.
This is only a small amount, because I realized if I listed all the high-fiber fruits and veggies, we'd all be napping toward the end! All you have to do is check those nutrition facts that you thought were only for old people with a low-sodium diet. Nope, they are for everyone!
2. Legumes
I. Hate. Beans.
That's only slightly exaggerated. There are a few that I'm fine with, but in general I'm grossed out at the texture and taste of most of them. Problem with that: beans are one of the most healthy, filling, and easily preservable of all foods!
They also have lots of fiber.
The point is, eat beans instead of greasy, fried, cheesy, and fat-filled crap that'll throw your guts into a seizure. Have you ever eaten a bowl of lentils and wondered why you had to sense each bean passing through your mouth? I mean, they can be pretty hard and still counted as "cooked!" Then you try to chew them, but each one is tiny you can't even get a grip on them.
All those aggravating things end up being good, because tiny, hard food particles do the best at cleaning your colon and other organs it passes through.
Split peas, lentils, black beans, lima beans, and baked beans all hover around the 15 gram point.
3. Grains
I love these. Not all are good for you, though! Before I did any research, I would always hear that whole wheat was the way to go. Not knowing the reason, I would use it, but didn't really care if it got forgotten or our store was low. After learning what a huge difference it makes, I want to buy whole wheat everything! So if you're having fiber problems, ALWAYS look for the whole wheat version of something.
Other grains to keep an eye out for are:
- Barley
- Bran
- Oats
- Brown rice
- Whole rye
Wow, that last one's a whopper! Not only are these grains high in fiber, but they also fill you up and have much more substance than some bleached, "enriched" (like, with what???), over-processed white flour. I love cooking and eating these good grains because it gives me a much more contented feeling. Who doesn't want to eat carbs that are high in fiber and fill you up after you've consumed much less then with other grains?
It's a win, win!
It's a win, win!
4. Water
There is this super fun challenge that my aunt has at her work, where if you drink 64 ounces of water a day for a designated time, you get prizes at the end! What a great way to encourage health; almost any disease, ailment or problem with the well being of your body can be improved by the consumption of more water. Mostly you're supposed to drink 8 8 oz glasses of water. However, some people tiny and some are large. So I heard a better guide that said drink half your weight in ounces of water. For instance, if you weigh 120 lbs, you'd drink 60 oz of water. Of course, if you've been dehydrated, your skin is dry, on your menstrual cycle, or have constipation problems, you might want to drink more. If you have diarrhea, you are drinking too much water for the amount of fiber you eat everyday. Too much water is a rare problem, so if you do have diarrhea, eat more fiber not less water!
5. Stay Active
If there is anything that can cramp and stop the movement in your digestive system, it's sitting at a desk all day or being a couch potato. Something about moving around and getting exercise that encourages your body to realize its excrement.
See, you don't need to raid your body with laxatives and various pills with who knows what in it to get your bowel movements moving! I always love the natural way :)
It is so fun to shop at Whole Foods cuz you can find all these good natural foods. I like how you emphasize the goodness of foods that you haven't liked in the past. Its hard to face reality sometimes but it can turn our lives around for the better! Good thorough job with discussing fiber. You are well on your way to becoming a Supermom!!!!
ReplyDeleteI recommend ALL BRAN BUDS, not the sticks. Good for what ails ya. xoxoxox MIMI
ReplyDeleteOooh, good tip! Why are the sticks worse? Maybe I don't want to know...haha.