DIY Home Manicure!

Getting a manicure a the salon is sure a fun treat! However, you might want to save money and do it at home. I've experimented several times to find just the right procedure. 
First off you need to remove any debris or paint with nail polish remover. I suggest acetone because it removes quickly so you aren't exposed to much rubbing of chemicals.
The next step sounds kind of strange, but yes, I want you to rub your nails with lemon juice. The same stuff you use to make lemonade unless you buy the powder.
Lemon juice can sting your fingers because of the amount of acid in it so you will most definitely want to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. While your at it, use a brush to get under those nails!
You will need to moisturize your hands after all this rubbing and dousing in chemicals. You can use olive oil or any fancy cream you have on hand. (Literally.)
Shape and cut your as needed. Strait across and round are both a potential depending on how you like it. I personally think straight look more professional. You can also file them to perfection if you get OCD about your nails.
Thoughly dry before you paint or the nail polish will slide off and further unthinkable disasters will come upon you.
Now you can do a base coat, or if you don't have any on hand just do the first color coat. Must let thoroughly dry or you will get wrinkles and bubble and gross looking defects on your poor undeserving nail!
You can paint the second coat once the first one is thoroughly dry. You can confirm genuine dryness by two nails together and seeing if they stick or are tacky
Do a clear or sparkle coat to top it with a cherry!

  • For ultimate results, use Sally Hansen's Miracle Gel polish. It really Works!
  • If you have long nails, don't bend them or you will crack the paint.
  • If you spend a long time on a design, top it with clear and do it on your toes so it will stay longer.



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