
Showing posts from January, 2016

Food Nails

I love these, but it makes me realize that any country that is painting food on their nails must be pretty rich. They are pretty cute though, and I have attempted at the watermelon ones on a simpler scale!

DIY Baby Book!

Someone in our church was expecting a baby, so B wrote a poem about babies. She showed it to the pregnant mom, who said she wanted a copy of it to hang on her little girl's wall. B told me, and then I got the idea to make a baby book! First we typed out the poem, and then I thought that it definitely needed some pictures. We found cute cartoons that had to do with each little phrase. I found a blank baby book online so we could just glue the poems right on to a book. You can't really tell that they were glued on because the book and the paper are white. We ended the poem with the cutest little saying. "Babies love/Like a dove, /Babies nap/ On mama's lap! Our final touch was to sign our names and hand it of to the Mom! We actually haven't given it to her yet, but I'm sure she will love it!

Knitting away... on a snowy day!

One of my Christmas projects was to knit washcloths. I bought the softest yarn next to cashmere and then found my mom's biggest knitting needles. As I knitted away, I thought that the gray might need some pop and personality. As you can see, a border of brightly colored yarn can really make a difference! Everybody LOVED them and said they were so totally soft! It is so great to put on your face first thing in the morning instead of some random rag you find on the sink!

Twists, twists, and more twists!

I watched a few youtube videos after my mom suggested I do this style and at first I was thinking that we would be sitting doing twists for like 5 hours! So, I started the tedious twists. Thankfully we were watching a movies so we weren't like totally bored. Then, B wanted to help too so I was just like sure!  It actually only took 2 1/2 hours thanks to the help of B and it came out really good! Z insists that she wants it in a "messy bun"