DIY Baby Book!

Someone in our church was expecting a baby, so B wrote a poem about babies. She showed it to the pregnant mom, who said she wanted a copy of it to hang on her little girl's wall. B told me, and then I got the idea to make a baby book! First we typed out the poem, and then I thought that it definitely needed some pictures. We found cute cartoons that had to do with each little phrase.
I found a blank baby book online so we could just glue the poems right on to a book. You can't really tell that they were glued on because the book and the paper are white. We ended the poem with the cutest little saying. "Babies love/Like a dove, /Babies nap/ On mama's lap!
Our final touch was to sign our names and hand it of to the Mom! We actually haven't given it to her yet, but I'm sure she will love it!


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