There's Nothing Like Eating From Your Own Garden!

This was one of the first things I made from the tomatoes I grew. Even better, we grew the basil too. I got hungry one day, so I just popped outside to grab some fresh tomatoes I grew from seed. As got near the door, I noticed one of my favorite savory herbs: basil. Basil is a perfect touch to the whole tomato-mozzarella cheese, Italian, pasta, and pizza genre of cooking. When I got inside, I realized that I couldn't fill my starving stomach with just herbaceous plants. That's when I added the fresh mozzarella cheese that gave a gourmet touch to my meal. Now, I can't just eat something without spicing it up, so I grabbed some of my mom's homemade vinaigrette and shook it over the top. The bonus: I helped grow half this lunch and the rest came from my mother's caring hands! What can beat that!


  1. Fresh mozza and tomatoes...oh what a winning combo! Beautifully done here :)

  2. Oh yea, I knew you would like this post...salad fan!


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