You Wouldn't Believe Poptarts Could Taste This Good!

Me and my sister decided we were going to make pop tarts. One of my favorite ways of cooking is taking something you usually buy at the store, and making it from scratch. I'm always amazed at the improvement of taste after I make it!
This time, it was as I said: pop tarts! It took us longer than we thought because we tripled the recipe (we knew it would be worth it and it was).
I watched this tutorial and it totally helped. I'm even more inclined to her video because she's Irish :-)
She has recipes for specific fillings, but honestly, you can fill it with whatever. We did mashed-up banana, various leftover jams found in the fridge, good ole' chocolate chips, blueberries, and the last most bizarre: marshmallows! We also didn't have frosting, so I just used what was in the fridge from various projects.
One really hilarious mistake we made was putting in to much cocoa powder. We tripled the recipe, and then made half of it chocolate. However, I put enough cocoa powder for the whole tripled recipe instead of half of it! It came out ok, the only issue was that the dough was a little different in consistency.
This is how our best ones came out (The picture isn't that good cause it was 10:30 at night and I wanted to capture the moment before the vultures devoured it in the morning):
This is the link to the recipes on that ladies' site:
They look so good...this would be an awesome Christmas gift for Nana and for Granny. They love these.
ReplyDeleteI know we were just thinking that. Dad was like "I wish Grannie was here to see this!" I bet she would like these way more than the packaged ones!