Downtown Chicago Pictures+Touring German Cousin Around...

Just recently, my cousin came to stay with us from Germany and it's been a blast! We've done a lot of photography together but I think the best so far is from downtown Chicago. Normally, I pictures of mostly nature and food. But recently, I got inspired from my friends instagram: She takes AMAZING photos of the city! Anyways, we went downtown with my cousin to show her some cool Chicago and I was like...

Time for camera action.

And I took that.

A lot of times I feel like the city is so ugly why would I want to take a freakin' picture of it? But, I realized it was time to embrace were I live.

Those towers were so weird and cool I just couldn't resist. Cars were parked in those little cubby areas farther down the building. What a view to come home to and look out of your garage at!

I am NOT trying to be political guys I just accidentally got Trump tower in there. After we walked for like a mile we finally got to the bean. Then I took a picture of my traveling companions; to my great delight I got in there too! Can you spy me? Check for an orange shirt to the left of the group.
Wait, left in the reflection not literally left.

The next picture has a story.

My cousin was really excited to come you know, so she had this screenshot on her phone of a theater in Chicago:

We're walking along the street trying to get somewhere and hear an exclamation of delight from Annika. She shows us the picture and everyone is laughing and trying to get the exact picture of it. It was hilarious!

I mean, doesn't it feel great when you walk right past something somebody found a picture of on Pinterest? Snapped a photo just for the record:

Of course, you can expect that the next thing we did was a bathroom stop. This was during the end of the day, but all the while as we were walking my sister had this idea.

She wanted to make it look like one person was looking for the other while holding them in their hand. We couldn't find a place to do it anywhere because there were so many people. But finally, on our bathroom stop, we found hallway perfect for the experiment! The only thing lacking was light but its as satisfying to carry out the idea anyways.

One of the big culture shocks for my cousin was the amount of sugar us Americans consume daily. Donuts, ice-cream, chocolate, and candy and everything in between thats extravagantly sweetened.  While walking on the magnificent mile, we stopped by a candy shop and had to take her in just for the sheer insanity of it.

Our walk back to the car from the restaurant was so beautiful! I love downtown at night :-)

Comment below with what was your favorite picture! I'd love to know.

For more of Annika, check out her instagram:


  1. Wish I were with you...great photos!

  2. You were near my asbestos removal company that I am shared in


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