Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Review
I made these amazing oatmeal raisin cookies the other day. I didn't even get a chance to take a picture of them because they were devoured so swiftly. There wasn't much time to look through our 46 different cookbooks to find just the right recipe, so I googled it. I wasn't expecting a spectacular result, but I got one anyway. I added 1 cup of shredded cocoanut (not dry) and a cup of chopped walnuts. These things were amazing! I didn't believe the lady who said these were "the best" on her blog, but now I do. Especially with my fabulous addition. Honestly, I rarely just do the recipe without incorporating some of my fancy extras. Also, they turn out exactly how the picture shows them to be. No plastic cookie photoshoots, these are legit. I have to give credit to the recipe's author because of just how awesome these simple cookies really are; here is her post: http://www.bakedbyanintrovert.com/best-oatmeal-raisin-cookies/ The only thing I'm annoyed about, is that her blog is called "Baked by an Introvert." I'm an extrovert, so don't rub it in ok???
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