Chic Gift Idea: Epsom Salt Scrub

With only a few short weeks until Christmas, everybody is scrambling to find gifts for their 3rd cousin twice removed, great aunt Mabel that's related to who knows who, and your half-grandma who lives up in Canada!
I've been just looking for any ideas we have the supplies for, and making them. Then they get thrown into the family gift pile, which we distribute among family members and friends later. My most recent project was an epsom salt scrub. I personally am not a fan of scrubs for my skin, because it's already sensitive and scouring the top layer of won't help much. But, its been a huge hit among others that I've made it for. It's also fun to make. Bonus!
Now, epsom salt is known to have its medicinal, natural remedy properties, so I did some research.

Really Cool Thing #1: Epidermis Absorption

Instead of having to digest, take in a pill, or work some fancy procedure to get magnesium sulfate to penetrate into your body, you just absorb it through you skin! That's why its known to be awesome for sore muscles. You can bath in it, scrub your face with it, or do this spa by Epsom Salt Council if you desire to do the full 9 yards.

Really Cool Thing #2: Anti-itch Cream Fake

If you've got a sunburn, or maybe even got so assaulted by mosquitoes on that camping trip your husband dragged you to, epsom salt can help. You can bathe in it by dumping two cups into a bathtub and soaking there for at least a quarter of an hour. If just your face is burnt, or maybe you got poison ivy in one spot on your body and you wouldn't want to bother with a whole bath, there's another option. Soak a cloth in a cup of water with at least 2 tablespoons of salt, and then apply to your inflamed patch of skin. 

Really Cool Thing #3: Magnesium Replenish 

If you've just driven 3 kids to 4 different events each, or you took the whole day to clean the house and then you find mud tracked across the whole length of it, or even just feel generally stressed and over stimulated, take a bathe in it. Epsom salt replenishes your magnesium level through your skin, as I already said. Magnesium is essential for producing a mood elevating chemical in your body, that is said to create a relaxed feeling and help you get to sleep at night.

I'm Done With Really Cool Things Because There Are Too Many!

Anyway, I made an epsom salt scrub because epsom salt is awesome.

Fortunately, this recipe doesn't contain any of that wax that makes so much trouble like my other recipes. It's carrier oil, salt, essential oil, and food coloring. 
So simple. So touching. So fun. 
Did I mention cheap? I found the jar buried in 34 others up in our cupboard. Love it! It's so squat and cute I just couldn't resist! We also have a pile of lids to mix and match, and when I spotted that gold and cream "PRIANO" one, I knew it was it. Actually, I didn't. I was debating about another one that said sweet orange marmalade because I knew we had orange essential oil. It would be so cute to have a lid that matched the fragrance!
It's pretty cool to collect old food jars and throw all their lids in a box nearby. I guess factories use pretty universal sizes because there are always multiple tops that fit with multiple jars. Therefore, if you are into scattering various craft projects across the house and start new ones daily, this is the collection for you. There's so many uses! Extra cups, re-food jarring, vases, paint water containers, and more. You can also just toss them like they are disposable if you've destroyed it with some invention.
Wait, back to the point. I'm a little ADD, so sometimes I follow bunny paths. I got my recipe from Martha Stewart, and stuck it on our new over-the-range microwave. I always have to give credit to my sources or it wouldn't be fair to them.

Ok, ok, you want the recipe already.
Here it is:

2 cups epsom salt
1 cup carrier oil (search my blog if you don't know what this is)
8 or more drops essential oil
A few drops of food coloring
Jars with lids

Stir first two ingredients together until beautifully combined. Add essential oil and food coloring until desired scent and color appears. Spoon into cute jars. Enjoy!


  1. You took some nice photos for this one. I love how you can take the bath salts recipe and add one ingredient to make a bath scrub. so simple!

  2. I know, and it literally took me like 15 minutes not counting the looking ingredients, jars, and supplies. Don't count troubleshooting either. But yea, my new camera is really improving my blog post quality.

  3. I put epsom salt and essential oil into a foot bath. I had ran two miles, and my ankles felt like someone was stabbing them... I soaked my foot for at least an hour and the pain was almost gone

  4. Great! I'm glad my advice benefited somebody...


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