Frankincense: The Oil Adored For Centuries

I was so astonished when I found this out I was practically exploding. Frankincense oil, who would have known? The magi, of course. Good ole' wise guys. Anyway, it being one of these natural ninjas, I could go on and on about it. But, today I'll just focus on the miracles it can preform on your skin. Lots of people complain about spots, scars and unearthly discolorations. Now, I personally think a lot of ladies think they are WAY uglier than what is even close realistic. I haven't seen too many truly ugly women, and even then they had some beauty.
So ya'll can just chill. 
It is a fact though, and I feel this myself, that when your skin doesn't want to stay one color (especially your face), it can be beyond annoying. So, I found this magical oil. I personally don't own it yet, but the things I've heard about it are shocking. Dr. Axe said that I test was done with frankincense oil, and that the people who did it said their faces cleared up 70 freakin' percent! All they did was simply mix it with their daily facial moisturizer, and apply it daily. 
Can you even believe it?
No wonder for hundreds of years it was considered precious! Now, it also can help prevent you from getting acne or pimple scars in the first place. Already I told you there are many, many other things frankincense oil does. That is, it's antiseptic, anti fungal, antimicrobial, and antibacterial. These awesome anti's are what prevents the clogging and infection of pores, which ends up in those nasty little bumps along your hairline. So if you don't want to have to get scars, and then remove them with frankincense oil later, you can just prevent the whole bother in the first place.

Other cool thing: most essential oils need to be blended, like this one. So here are some BOMB ways to do it:

1. Steam Yourself

You can add this to your bath for relaxation (oh, I forgot to tell you about that one) or drop some on a washcloth and massage your skin with it. Make sure to rinse after. You shouldn't put it in a hot bath (like hot tub temperature) because your pores are so open that even your best pals can cause irritation.  Mix milk with it to be even safer, and rejuvenate your skin. My sister took a milk bath last night, and for some reason her hair was even curlier than usual. She didn't do anything different in how she brushed or dried her hair. 

2. Miracle Moisturizer

This is a super cool trick. Most people with dry skin has already found what lotion works best, and having to figure out what oil is best would be a big pain in the butt. SO, I've heard multiple people say to just add a few drops of frankincense right into your normal moisturizer. Fabulous! I'm totally doing this with eucalyptus when I get a cold next. A fabulous fact is that this is what the people in the study did, where they cleared up 70%.

3. Oil Up

So, the last thing is mixing it with carrier oils. I've talked about carrier oils before, so if you're curious what they are, just search my blog! Anyway, the ones that were suggested in the video I watch were:
  • Coconut
  • Argan (I'm sure you've heard of this for hair health)
  • Raspberry seed (how exclusive!)
  • Pomegranate
  • Jojoba (this one is the best for inducing smooth skin)
The best ratio of essential/carrier oil is 12 drops to 1 ounce. I love coconut oil because you only need a little bit to really oil up your skin. You must be careful with not putting to much on or else you will stain all the nearby fabric on hand! Argan is really popular for hair, and jojoba is said to be a perfect mix with frankincense because they are both skin smoothers.

I hope enjoyed learning a fraction of what FRANKINCENSE can do!


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