Molten Chocolate Brownies

This is a really short post, because I'm practically dying on this office chair. I just really wanted to tell you about the most simple, impressive, and heavenly dessert I've made all in one, yet.

Step 1.

Make brownie batter. Use the best recipe you have, or just buy a mix. 

Step 2.

Pour into muffin cups, only filling 1/3 of each. Spoon a cluster of chocolate chips into the center. Fill the rest of the way up with brownie batter.

Step 3.

Bake like you would cupcakes, but make sure the brownies are pulling away from the pan before you take out of the oven. Using the toothpick method won't work because the center is supposed to be gooey with chocolate. Wait for it to cool a few minutes, and gently set each one on a rack and EAT IMMEDIATELY! If you don't, the innards won't be molten! You can also re-heat it in the oven if you make them for later.

Step 4:

Drink milk.


  1. You made these for the mommy group, right?

  2. Yes, and I think it was one of the only times when every last one of what I made was devoured even though I made an unearthly amount!

  3. Yea, I think you could only handle a bite of it!


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