Twist-Up Bun With Bangs

This was a really fun style. I had it in my head, and the funny thing is that I was going to do a different style and it literally turned into this one as I braided. All I have to do is think of a style I know is within my ability, and let my hands do the rest!

I started by sectioning off that oval that has the side part right through it. This a step that is important to do first when doing this type of style. It gives you a base to part all the rest of your sections off. I also separated the bangs from the rest and whipped them up into a quick bun to keep them out of the way. Next, I did my side part right through. I've made the mistake of shaping the cornrow wrong on this kind of half-moon shape that you have to braid. It's best to just start the braid with a triangle section and braid straight back, just rounding it down a bit to work with the hair.
The rest is pretty darn easy if you go with the flow like I always say. You can do smaller or bigger sections in this style and it will still look quite elegant. You can't see this in the picture, but at the end of each section, I really tried to round the part up right into the same point on the top so that it would all go up. You do run out of space eventually, so you basically just make sure to braid everything up as if it was all going end up in a ponytail.
This probably sound really complicated, but its not. I honestly can't learn a thing by hearing or reading how a do is done, I just need a picture. So thankfully, I got a new camera and took some good pictures for you.
Don't forget to do a flat twist into a bun in the end! I also greased and gelled as a went to really make sure this could stand the test of a wild eight-year old!

I think this picture is really funny because you can see my lens cap and brush in the background. How hysterical! I tend to sometimes not notice the details when I'm really focused on something else. Which was obviously the hair! We did a silly shoot just for fun:

The last thing I have to say is that you can do some pretty fun things with the bangs. I've done micro twists and braids,  then to kill two birds with one stone, I took then out and was left with some cute curls! I also straighten them and then curl it all into one beautiful lock, which had came out by the time I could take a picture. This has been one of my favorite styles on Z so far.


  1. Abi you have TALENT. Can't wait to see where these skills take you...

  2. Yea I love my artsy talent, but it comes with being a total slob in the physical strength genre. I still think its worth it though!


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