Downtown Chicago Pictures+Touring German Cousin Around...

Just recently, my cousin came to stay with us from Germany and it's been a blast! We've done a lot of photography together but I think the best so far is from downtown Chicago. Normally, I pictures of mostly nature and food. But recently, I got inspired from my friends instagram: She takes AMAZING photos of the city! Anyways, we went downtown with my cousin to show her some cool Chicago and I was like... Time for camera action. And I took that. A lot of times I feel like the city is so ugly why would I want to take a freakin' picture of it? But, I realized it was time to embrace were I live. Those towers were so weird and cool I just couldn't resist. Cars were parked in those little cubby areas farther down the building. What a view to come home to and look out of your garage at! I am NOT trying to be political guys I just accidentally got Trump tower in there. After we walked for like a mile we finally g...