Guest Post: Easy Mocha Mix by Bethany Kimball

Hey everybody!
Today I am going to show you one of my favorite recipes.  It is super easy and I love it!   The recipe makes a lot of cups, because you only use three teaspoons of it per cup of water :).  So here is what you need:

  • Dry Creamer (I used hazelnut creamer, but you can do whatever)
  • Cocoa
  • Instant coffee
  • Sugar
  • Chocolate pudding mix (optional, but fun)

Ok, so put one cup of the dry creamer into a bowl (I used a jar so it looked fancy).  Next add the chocolate pudding (or just skip this step if you want).

Add four tablespoons of cocoa.

Now add one cup sugar.

Last but not least add in one cup instant coffee.

Now mix it all up; I could not mix it in the jar so I mixed it in a bowl and poured it in.

To make the actual mocha put three teaspoons mocha mix in a cup with cold water. 

Microwave for one minute (If you want it really hot you can microwave it more), and stir.

Your mocha is complete.

Okay, for all of you people who like to skip all the dillydallying and get to the point here's the recipe.

Mocha Mix

  • 2 c. non dairy dry creamer
  • 1 package chocolate pudding mix (optional)
  • 4 Tbs cocoa
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 1 c. instant coffee
Mix well and store.  Use three teaspoons (add more for more flavor and less for less flavor) for one cup of hot water (If you like you can use skim milk).


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