Frankincense: The Oil Adored For Centuries

I was so astonished when I found this out I was practically exploding. Frankincense oil, who would have known? The magi, of course. Good ole' wise guys. Anyway, it being one of these natural ninjas, I could go on and on about it. But, today I'll just focus on the miracles it can preform on your skin. Lots of people complain about spots, scars and unearthly discolorations. Now, I personally think a lot of ladies think they are WAY uglier than what is even close realistic. I haven't seen too many truly ugly women, and even then they had some beauty. So ya'll can just chill. It is a fact though, and I feel this myself, that when your skin doesn't want to stay one color (especially your face), it can be beyond annoying. So, I found this magical oil. I personally don't own it yet, but the things I've heard about it are shocking. Dr. Axe said that I test was done with frankincense oil, and that the people who did it said their faces cleared up 70 freakin...